
Prophets mentioned in Islam                 
Almighty Allah described details about the Prophet in the holy Quran. Allah sent prophet for giving direction the mankind for their safety.

Christian Name Muslim Name Arabic 
Prophet / Messenger Times Mentioned 
01 Adam   Adam آدم    Prophet 25
02 Enoch Idrees /Idris إدريس  Prophet 02
03 Noah Nuh نوح   P & M 43
04 Heber Hud هود  Messenger 07
05 Methusaleh Salih صالح  Messenger 09
06 Abraham Ibrahim إبراهيم  P & M 69
07 Ishmael Ismail إسماعيل  P & M 12
08 Isaac Is,haq إسحاق Prophet 17
09 Lot Lut لوط P & M 17
10 Jacob Ya’qub/Yakub يعقوب Prophet 16
11 Joseph Yusuf يوسف Prophet 27
12 Jethro Shu’ayb شعيب Messenger 11

Christian Name Muslim Name Arabic
Prophet / Messenger Times Mentioned 
13 Moses Musa موسى P & M 136
14 Aaron Harun هارون P & M 20
15 Elijah Ilyaas إلياس Prophet 02
16 Elisha Al-Yasaa اليسع Prophet 02
17 David Daud داوود Prophet 16
18 Solomon Suleiman سليمان Prophet 17
19 Job Ayub أيوب Prophet 04
20 Issaiah – Most Likely Ezekiel Dhul-Kifl ذا الكفل Prophet 02
21 Jonah Yunus يونس/ ذا النون P & M 04
22 Zacharias   Zakariya زكريا Prophet 07
23 John (The Baptist) Yahya يحيى Prophet 05
24 Jesus Issa عيسى P & M 25
Muhammad محمد P & M All Over

To know a brief description about the prophet in Islam please watch the Video.
Video:Prophets of Islam with brief history...

Video:Grave of Prophets

To know More.........
Prophet Prophet Reviewed by Engel on 3:47 AM Rating: 5
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