Prophets mentioned in Islam
Almighty Allah described details about the Prophet in the
holy Quran. Allah sent prophet for giving direction the mankind for their safety.
Christian Name | Muslim Name | Arabic Transliteration |
Prophet / Messenger | Times Mentioned | |
01 | Adam | Adam | آدم | Prophet | 25 |
02 | Enoch | Idrees /Idris | إدريس | Prophet | 02 |
03 | Noah | Nuh | نوح | P & M | 43 |
04 | Heber | Hud | هود | Messenger | 07 |
05 | Methusaleh | Salih | صالح | Messenger | 09 |
06 | Abraham | Ibrahim | إبراهيم | P & M | 69 |
07 | Ishmael | Ismail | إسماعيل | P & M | 12 |
08 | Isaac | Is,haq | إسحاق | Prophet | 17 |
09 | Lot | Lut | لوط | P & M | 17 |
10 | Jacob | Ya’qub/Yakub | يعقوب | Prophet | 16 |
11 | Joseph | Yusuf | يوسف | Prophet | 27 |
12 | Jethro | Shu’ayb | شعيب | Messenger | 11 |
Christian Name | Muslim Name | Arabic Transliteration |
Prophet / Messenger | Times Mentioned | |
13 | Moses | Musa | موسى | P & M | 136 |
14 | Aaron | Harun | هارون | P & M | 20 |
15 | Elijah | Ilyaas | إلياس | Prophet | 02 |
16 | Elisha | Al-Yasaa | اليسع | Prophet | 02 |
17 | David | Daud | داوود | Prophet | 16 |
18 | Solomon | Suleiman | سليمان | Prophet | 17 |
19 | Job | Ayub | أيوب | Prophet | 04 |
20 | Issaiah – Most Likely Ezekiel | Dhul-Kifl | ذا الكفل | Prophet | 02 |
21 | Jonah | Yunus | يونس/ ذا النون | P & M | 04 |
22 | Zacharias | Zakariya | زكريا | Prophet | 07 |
23 | John (The Baptist) | Yahya | يحيى | Prophet | 05 |
24 | Jesus | Issa | عيسى | P & M | 25 |
25 | Muhammad | محمد | P & M | All Over | |
To know a brief description about the prophet in Islam please watch the Video.
Video:Prophets of Islam with brief history...
Video:Grave of Prophets
To know More.........
Reviewed by Engel
3:47 AM