Hijri WCC App
1) Hijri widget.
2) Month view Hijri calendar.
3) Conversion between Greg/Hijri and vice versa.
- Month view calendar of Greg and Hijri.
- Widget to display today's date (both Hijri and Greg.)
- Widget date can be increased or decreased by 3 days.
- Hijri to Gregorian conversion.
- Gregorian to Hijri conversion.
- Ability to choose the first day of the week for the calendar.
- Supports English and Arabic (through app menu).
What's in this version:
Better UI that is easier to use
Added +/- 3 days to widget instead of 1
Tablet support
Added month-view calendar
Accurate date conversion for years 1430-1434
User Reviews
Android Hijri WCC App
Reviewed by Engel
9:52 AM