Material on the Authenticity of the Qur’an & Allah
”Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you
even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!” (4:78) It is reported
that al Bara bin Azib said: “We went out with the Prophet in order to
participate in the funeral rites of a man from the Ansar. We arrived at the
grave, but the inner chamber had not been prepared yet; so Allah’s Messenger
sat down facing the direction of the Qiblah, and we sat around him so
attentively it was if the birds were sitting on our heads. He had a stick in
his hand with which he sketched upon the ground. Then he began looking
alternately to the heavens and to the earth, razing his gaze and then lowering
it. Finally, he said two or three times: ‘Seek refuge in Allah from the torment
of the grave.’ Then he said: ‘O Allah, verily I seek refuge in You from the
torment of the grave.’ He repeated it three times, then he elaborated: ‘Verily,
when the believing servant is leaving this world and entering the next, angels
from the heavens descend to him-their faces white with brightness like the sun
and carrying with them burial sheets and scents from Paradise. They sit before
him at a distance as far as the eye can see. Then the Angel of Death comes to
the person, sits at his head and say’s: ‘O good soul, come out to your Lord’s
forgiveness and pleasure.’ Thereupon, the soul flows out of the body like water
flowing from the mouth of a waterskin, and all of the angels between the sky
and the earth supplicate for Allah’s blessing upon him. The doors of the heaven
are opened for him, and the keepers of these doors all plead with Allah that
this soul might pass in front of them as it is being carried upward. The Angel
of Death barely receives the soul in his hands, whereupon the other angels take
it from him and wrap it with fragrant winding sheets. This is what is meant by
Allah’s saying: “Our messengers seize his soul, and they do not fall short of
their duty.” Then the Prophet said: ‘There exudes from the soul a scent like
the most beautiful fragrance of musk that one could find on the face of the
earth. The angels ascend with the soul, never passing a host of angels without
hearing them ask: ‘Who is this wonderful soul?’ They reply, ‘So and so, the son
of so and so,’ addressing him with the best names he was known by during his
earthly life. Upon reaching the first heaven, the angels request that it be
opened for the soul - which is granted. The soul is then accompanied by the
angels of each heaven until it reaches the one above it and finally arrives at
the seventh heaven. Then Allah, the Mighty and Majestic says: ‘Place the record
of My servant in Illyyun.” The person’s record is then placed in Illiyyun,
whereupon a command is heard: ‘Return him to the earth, for verily I have
promised mankind that having created them from the earth I will return them to
it. And I will make them come out of it, yet another time. Then the soul is
returned to the earth, back into its body. Verily the deceased hears the
shuffling feet of his companions who attended his burial as they turn away and
leave his grave. Thereupon, two angels, severe in interrogation, come to him,
and sitting him up, they begin to ask him questions. They say, ‘Who is your
Lord?’ He replies, ‘Allah is my Lord.’ They continue, ‘What is your religion?’
He answers, ‘Islam is my religion.’ They proceed with the questioning, saying,
‘Who is this man that has been sent to you?’ He responds, ‘He is the Messenger
of Allah.’ Finally, they ask him about his deeds, to which he replies, ‘I read
Allah’s Book and believed in it.’ A voice is then heard in the heavens, saying,
‘My servant has told the truth, so clothe him in the clothing of Paradise,
spread for him the furnishings of Paradise, and open for him a window with a
view of Paradise.’ Thereupon, he is engulfed by a breeze of fresh air and
fragrance, while the expanse of his grave is extended before him as far as the
eye can see. There appears before him a man with a wonderful face and beautiful
clothing, emitting a splendid fragrance. He says to the soul, ‘Rejoice at the
news which will gladden you. Rejoice at Allah’s pleasure and His Paradise,
who’s joys and delights never end. This is the day which you were promised.’
The deceased says to him, ‘And who are you, for your face bears good tidings?’ The
figure answers, ‘I am your good ; by Allah, I’ve always known you to be quick
in obedience to Allah and slow to His disobedience. So may Allah award you with
a good reward.’ Then a door to Paradise is opened, and a door to Hell,
whereupon it is said to him regarding the Hellfire, ‘This would have been your
final abode had you disobeyed Allah, however, it has been exchanged for this
other abode.’ When the soul sees what is in Paradise, he cries, ‘My Lord,
hasten the arrival of the Hour so that I might be joined with my family and
wealth.’ Thereupon it is said to him, ‘Rest in tranquillity.’ Allah’s Messenger
continued, ‘When the disbelieving , sinful servant is about to leave this world
and enter the next, angels, powerful and severe, descend to him from the
heavens - their faces black and carrying with them coarse strips of cloth from
Hell. They sit before him at a distance as far as the eye can see. Then the
Angel of Death arrives, and sitting at the head of the disbeliever, he says, ‘O
you foul soul, come out to the anger and wrath of your Lord.’ The soul inside
the disbelievers body is overcome by terrible fear, where upon the Angel of
Death violently pulls it out like multi-pronged skewers being yanked out of wet
wool - tearing with them the arteries and nerves. Upon this, the soul is cursed
by every angel between the heavens and the earth and by those inside the
heavens. Then the doors of the heavens are closed to him, and every single
guard at these doors begs Allah that this soul not be carried up in front of
him. The Angel of Death barely receives the soul in his hands, whereupon the
other angels grasp it from him and wrap it up in coarse cloth. There emits from
it the foulest odor that could be found on the face of the earth. They ascend
with it, never passing a host of angels without being asked, ‘Who is this ugly
soul?’ They reply, ‘So and so, the son of so and so,’ using the worst names by
which he was known in this world. When they arrive at the lowest heaven, they
request that it be opened for this soul, but the request is denied.’ And the
Prophet recited the verse: ‘The gates of the heavens will not be opened for
them, nor will they enter the Garden of Paradise until a camel goes through the
eye of a needle.’ After that he continued, ‘Then Allah the Mighty and Majestic,
says to the angels: ‘Place his record in Sijjeen-in the lowest heaven. Return
my servant to the earth, for verily I have promised mankind that having created
them from the earth, I will return them to it. And will make them come out of
it, yet another time.’ Upon this command, the deceased soul is thrown down from
the sky until it lands in its body.’ The Prophet then recited the verse: ‘And
whoever ascribes partners with Allah, it is as though he had fallen from the
sky, such that the birds snatch him up or the wind throws him to a remote
place.’ Then he commented, ‘Verily the deceased hears the sound of his
companions footsteps as they turn away from his grave.’ The Prophet resumed his
explanation, ‘Then the two angels, severe in interrogation, come to him, and
sitting him up, they begin to question him, ‘Who is your Lord?’ He answers,
‘Aah! Aah! I don’t know.’ They continue by asking him, ‘What is your religion?’
He answers, ‘Aah! Aah! I don’t know.’ So they ask, ‘Then what do you say about
this man who was sent to you?’ The disbeliever does not appear to understand
who they are referring to, so it is said, ‘Muhammed.’ Again he states, ‘Aah!
Aah! I don’t know. I only heard the people talking about him.’ Then it is said,
‘You did not know, and you did not read!’ Thereupon a voice from the heavens is
heard, ‘He has lied! So spread out for him a place from the Fire and open for
him a window to the Fire.’ The searing hot winds of Hell engulf him while his
grave closes in upon him, crushing him until his rib cage is broken by the
force - causing the ribs of one side to intertwine with the ribs of the other.
Then there appears to him a person with an ugly face and ugly clothing and
exuding a foul odour, who says, ‘Tidings of evil to you, for this is the day
which you were promised!’ The deceased says to him, ‘And you, too; may Allah
give you evil tidings! Who are you, for yours is a face which portends evil.’
The person rejoins, ‘I represent your wicked deeds. By Allah, I have always
known you to be slow in obedience to Allah and quick in disobedience to Him.
May Allah reward you with evil!’ Then one who is deaf, dumb and blind and is
carrying an iron rod is sent to the deceased. If he were to strike a mountain
with it, the mountain would disintegrate into rubble. He strikes the deceased
with a blow which turns him into dust. Allah returns the deceased to his
original form, whereupon he is struck a second time. This causes him to shriek
with such violence that it is heard by all the creation except mankind and
jinn. Then a door to the Fire is opened, and beddings of the Fire are spread
for him, whereupon he cries, ‘Lord, do not establish the Hour!’ (i.e. Day of
Resurrection Day of Gathering, Day of Judgment, Day of Decision, Day of Sorting
Out, Day of Grief and Regrets). Trumpet will be blown, a single shout, a single
cry, a near torment, pregnant she camels shall be neglected, suckling mothers
will forget their babes, every pregnant will drop her load, the heaven will
shake with a dreadful shaking. Heaven will be split asunder and shall be rent
asunder with clouds Heaven will be rolled up in His Right Hand, and all those
in heaven and earth will swoon away. Heaven shall be opened, it will become as
gates. The sky will be like boiling filthy oil. The stars shall fall and some
stars will lose their light. The Sun will lose its light. Seas will become as
blazing fire, and some seas will burst forth. The earthquake of the Hour -
mountains will be shaken violently, the earth will be ground to powder, and
earth will be changed into another earth and so will the heavens. The earth
will be stretched forth as a leveled plain. The earth will throw out its
burdens, graves will be turned upside down, and there will be a complete
resurrection from the graves. Wild beasts shall be gathered together, raised up
blind, and the souls will be joined together with their bodies. This is the
True Day, and mankind will be like moths scattered about. All of mankind will
proceed in scattered groups, as in a drunken state. Relatives shall be made to
see one another - a man shall flee from his relatives - and no friend will ask
after a friend. There will be no friend or intercessor. Everyone will be paid
their wages in full - written pages of deeds shall be laid open, and every
person will know what he she has brought. Every person will be confronted with
all the good and evil he has done. A person will know what he has sent foreword
and left behind. The will be no fear of injustice - the balances of justice and
the scales of deeds - whosoever does good or evil equal to the weight of an
atom shall see it. All the secrets will be examined. Some records will be given
in the right hand, and some records will be given in the left hand. Some
records will be given behind the back. A hard day for the disbelievers - a
heavy day. They bear a heavy burden, and are not permitted to put forth any
excuse. The wrong-doer will bite his hands. All wrong-doers will be assembled
with their companions and idols. It will be a destruction with deep regrets,
sorrows and despair. The female infants who were buried alive shall be
questioned. The greatest terror - the caller will call to a terrible thing. (On
the Day of Resurrection the life of this world will seem like) a stay no longer
than ten days - a day or part of a day. No person shall have the power to do
anything for another - they will have no power nor any helper. There will be no
fear for believers, and all believers will be in the shade, and amongst springs
and fruits. Angels will be sent down with a grand descending. The Shin shall be
laid bear and Paradise shall be brought near. Hellfire shall be brought near
and Hellfire shall be stripped off, kindled to a fierce ablaze. The unbelievers
will wish to return and become believers. Hell fire, blazing fire, flaming
fire, crushing Fire, burning flame, raging and roaring - the terrible drawing
in of its breath. The shadow of black smoke, a narrow place, a place of ambush.
This is the worst place to rest - worst indeed is that destination - the torment
will not be lightened. An evil final return. The fire of Allah, kindled and
filled with men and jinns all together, will say: ‘Are there any more?’. For
those who took their religion for amusement and play, the promised place for
them all. It spares not nor does it leave. Disbelievers will be driven to it in
groups - criminals and transgressors known by their marks, they will be seized
by their forelocks and their feet, seized and dragged into the midst of the
blazing fire, bound together in fetters, chained together, wherein they will
abide forever. Death will come from all angles, yet they will not die. Therein
they will neither die or live. Every time they seek to get away, they will be
driven back. They will find neither protector nor helper. They will be made to
drink boiling festering water and boiling hot water - given from a boiling
spring. It will melt away what is in their bellies. Boiling oil will boil what
is in their bellies. Nothing cool shall they taste therein Water and provision
will be forbidden to the disbelievers - only the food of poisonous thorny plant
- from the tree of zaqqum. . Food for the sinners. Nor shall they have any
drink, except a taste of boiling fluid and puss, filth from the washing of
wounds, in fierce hot wind and boiling water. Boiling water poured down over
their heads, burning their skins. Their skins will be burnt off then replaced
with fresh skins. Their faces will be turned and rolled from all sides in the
Fire. They will wear garments of pitch, and fire will cover their faces.
Garments of fire will be cut for them, and on them will be hooked rods of iron.
Their abode will be the Fire - the torment of the Fire that they used to deny.
This is that whereof they used to doubt. Destruction with deep regrets and
sorrow. (They will say:) ‘Had we but listened or used our common sense!’ They
will dispute with their leaders in the Fire. Nineteen angels will be its
guardians and keepers. And in Paradise . . . Gardens underneath which rivers
flow. Everlasting gardens. Gardens of Eternity. Gardens of delight. Gardens
with everlasting delights. Gardens and grapevines, fruits of two gardens,
fruits of all kinds as desired in plenty. Fruits will be near at hand, fruit
and meat, flesh of fowls, thornless lote trees and banana trees, a running
spring - a spring called Salsabil, a spring called Kafur, a spring call Tasnim.
A river in Paradise named Kauthar. Rivers of wine, milk and clear honey A cup
mixed with Zanjabil water, trays of gold cups, vessels of silver and cups of
crystal, green garments of fine and thick silk, adorned with bracelets of gold
and pearls. Coaches lined with silk brocade, green cushions and rich beautiful
mattresses set in rows. Thrones woven with gold and precious stones raised
high. Rich carpets spread out, beautiful mansions, lofty rooms, one above
another, abiding therein forever. An eternal home, facing one another on
thrones. They will never taste death therein, nor will they be asked to leave
it. All hatred, jealousy or sense of injury will be removed from their hearts.
All grief will be removed and no sense of fatigue, toil or weariness will touch
them. Neither will there be any hurt, abdominal pain, headache or intoxication.
There will be no vain speaking nor sinful speech, neither harmful speech nor falsehood.
They will be free from sin. There will be neither excessive heat nor bitter
cold. There will be a known provision, in peace and security. The home of
peace, with greetings therein, and whoever does righteous deeds will enter.
Those who kept their duty to their Lord will be led in groups, and be made to
inherit because of their deeds. Allah is pleased with them and they with Him.
My Paradise, the greatest bliss, the great success and the supreme success. For
the believers are Gardens as an entertainment. The dwellers of Paradise will be
busy in joyful things that Day. They will be amidst gardens and water springs,
and will see the angels surrounding the Throne, near the Omnipotent King. They
will have all that they desire. Houries - chaste females with wide and
beautiful eyes, as if preserved eggs. Pure wives - wives in a pleasant shade -
reclining on thrones. Young full-breasted maidens of equal age, immortal
boy-servants to serve them as scattered pearls.
The Quran
Reviewed by Engel
8:43 AM